Fostering Innovation in Community Led Enterprise Development
The ComEnt project aims at developing a blended learning educational programme and associated teaching/learning resources for higher education institutions; accrediting agencies; and social entrepreneurs / innovators on the innovative topic of community enterprise development.

ComEnt project wishes to equip stakeholders with the necessary knowledge, skillsets and competencies to develop and enhance the development of community owned and community-led enterprises, which would be innovative approach to fostering social inclusion amongst marginalized groups and disadvantaged areas across Europe.
The key objectives of the ComEnt project are:
- To identify and reflect on best practice examples of successful community enterprise.
- To develop the knowledge, skillsets and competencies of learners on the concepts of community-led local development and community owned enterprises.
- To develop a course syllabus and associated teaching and learning resources.
- To engage with higher education institutions, policymakers and relevant community development stakeholders.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.